some things i made
as someone who often had trouble sitting through movies when i was little, it's almost ironic that i ended up studying film and television. to be honest, i think a lot of it stems from my love for telling stories.
this here, is a selection of some of my favourite creations from since the start of my studies. the films include;
grass is greener (2020); in class this year we had to make a documentary so i paired up with my friend olivia to make this documentary called grass is greener. it's about antoine tane (owner of kohu hemp) and his journey to sustainability through alternative resources such as hempcrete (a plant-based building resource).
lipstick smiles (2020); my dramas project for broadcasting school. i am super proud of this production, everything seemed to come together and i am super happy with the end result.
foxglove street (2020); my 700 project for school, this was my very first film for 2020 (the cursed year), so therefore it has a very special place in my heart. after a lot of problems surrounding actually getting the film, i'm stoked with how it turned out.
the unsubstantiated claims of one completely sane and rational man (2020); another part of my 700 project for school, except my role was director of photography. this was a challenging role for me as i jumped straight in the deep end, but i am so, so happy with the end result.
going a'rye (2020); my flatmates and i made this short film during lockdown as a part of the VF48 hour film festival. i will look back on it fondly as we were so proud of the finished result.
access granted (2019); this was my very first baby to come out of my studies. i wrote, directed, shot, produced and edited this film all by myself and while it's not my favourite piece of work, i think it really highlights how far i've come.
the run-in (2019); this is my first ever attempt at a 48 hour film festival submission and after all this time i'm still really proud of it because my group had a really fun time and worked really well together.
so take a dive! i hope you enjoy watching my work as much as i enjoyed creating it!
Grass is Greener - Documentary

Grass is Greener - Documentary