my work.
some things i wrote.
since i was little, i have always had a fascination for the written word and so, i've been writing ever since i could spell... and a little bit before.
here is a collection of poems, and musings i have written over time. i generally write something whenever i'm feeling inspired or just wanting to get some ideas onto a page. as a film student i have had the privilege of writing and creating several short films and last year i was even lucky enough to write and star in a kids show for class.
all musings on this page were created by me and all photos are also mine :)
so dive into my mind and let the words wash over you. writing has now become a very healing practise for me and to just explode my feelings onto a page helps with any emotion i'm feeling.
thank you and be gentle.

the red jumper.
a poem that i wrote near the end of high school about overcoming sadness and finding triggers that keep you holding onto that liferaft.
but it's only sinking you down.
my nana passed away last year. when people close to me die i get a coldly real grasp on my own mortality. but also the mortality of the memories we created together. how do we get closure knowing everything might expire one day?

the avalanche.
this is about the decision to delay a somewhat controllable inevitable. do we succumb, try to fight it or run alongside it.
the well
spiralling 2am thoughts. they exist and that's okay, when i wake in the morning i believe that they're not real and i'm okay.